Holon Cemetery Memorial

Israel’s largest cemetery is located just south of Tel Aviv in Holon. The cemetery contains many memorials for the Jewish communities that were liquidated during the Holocaust including David-Horodok and vicinity.

The main engraving says: “In Memoriam of the Holy Souls of David-Horodok and its Neighborhood.” The small engraving on the stone says: “Perished in the Holocaust 1941-1942. Remembrance day: 17 Menachem-Av.” The left-side inscription says: “Soil from the cemetery of David-Horodok and its neighborhood is buried here.” The inscription on the right stone is the list of the surrounding communities: Rubel, Azdamitch, Olpen, Olshan, Orly, Holatz, Vialamitch, Chovorsk, Choromsk, Chrapun, Tury, Tarablitch, Talmatchav, Ludka, Olimel, Liadetz, Mochul, Malishev, Nirtcha, Samihostitch, Karatitch, Kalk.

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