Welcome to our new website! It is a collaborative effort between the David-Horodoker Organization in the United States and the Organization of the Descendants of David-Horodok and the Surrounding Areas in Israel. Our website serves as a memorial to the holy souls of the David-Horodoker Jews who were murdered by the Nazis and their local collaborators during the Holocaust. It is also a source of information about the town, the people who lived there, and their descendants. And, finally, it is a voice of the David-Horodoker Organization in the United States and the Organization of the Descendants of David-Horodok and the Surrounding Areas in Israel. Through this website, we hope to maintain the bond between Horodokers throughout the world, to create new connections, to honor the memories of our ancestors, and to make the rich amount of available information about our ancestral home more easily accessible.
Much of our website can be translated into Hebrew or English by choosing the appropriate language in the dropdown menu at the bottom right of the screen. Some pages from our original websites will need to be translated with Google Translate or a similar service.