There are a number of books written about David-Horodok, ranging from history to memoir to fiction.
David’s Castle : Davidgrodek : Saga in the Pripet Marshes by Dov Biegun, Poets’ and Painters’ Press, 1982. From the forward by Anna Biegun: “These stories were written fast, spontaneously, and they issued from Dov’s pen all in a piece, with little or no revision. He would write them as the mood took him, have them typed, and then they were laid aside as he turned to more urgent matters. He intended to continue further so that the circle would be complete, so that one should see what eventually happened to the youngsters whose childhood began in David-Horodok.” Available in English online at:
Available in Hebrew online at:
Hiding In Plain Sight: My Holocaust Story of Survival by Beatrice Sonders, with an introduction by Sonder’s grandson David Salama, 2018. After decades of concealing the full account of her experiences, Holocaust survivor Beatrice Sonders (Basia Gadzuik) writes her story of survival and courage in the face of the ultimate horrors.
A History of David-Horodok by Brian R. Kaye, 1992. Self-published. Kaye’s book covers topics such as The General History of David-Horodok, David-Horodok’s Christian Population , Jewish Community and Economic Activity Before WWI, David-Horodok During and After WWI and WWII, and The Zionist Movement in David-Horodok.
Jews of Bielorussia During World War II by Shalom Cholawsky, Harwood Academic Publishers, 1997. One of many books on the topic of WWII with multiple references to the Jews of David-Horodok. It details ghetto uprisings, underground organizations, Youth Movements, etc. to describe the vitality of Bielorussian Jewry.
Memories of World War II in the Russian Army by Chaim (Harry) Farber, iUniverse, 2006. Life in David-Horodok changed for Chaim (Harry) Farber when German and Russian forces invaded Poland. Two years later, when the Nazis breached their agreement with Russia and stormed the rest of Poland, Chaim Farber suddenly found himself whisked into the Russian army.
The Tarbut Book. 1992. Includes a concise history of the school in David-Horodok along with many memories and photographs. (Hebrew) Available online at: